What can you do with Respect?
Respect has served as foundational role for human civilization for thousands of years. Now, the Respect token enables profound benefits all communities and organizations and provides solutions to upgrade society as a while. Below you can find an overview of a few powerful utilities of Respect, such as decentralizing governance, coordinating collective action, and evaluating impact for retroactive public goods funding.
Below you can find an overview of a few powerful utilities of Respect at Optimism Fractal, such as decentralizing governance, coordinating collective action, and evaluating impact for retroactive public goods funding.
Decentralized Governance
Respect provides a powerful primitive to enable groups of any size make collective decisions in a fair, fast, and fun manner.
The Respect token enables true democracy and a powerful governance framework for all communities and organizations. No matter what you’re trying to achieve, Respect can help you make shared decisions more effectively. For example, community members at who have earned Respect at Optimism Fractal can join the council by signaling their intent in weekly registration polls. The top six registered community members who have earned the most Respect form a council, which can make collective decisions and express community opinions with a two thirds majority consensus.
You can explore a detailed overview and of how this council works in this article.
Impact Evaluation
The Respect Game provides a powerful way to measure the impact of your contributions to the Superchain, which can help you earn from public goods funding sources like Retro Funding.
The Respect Game provides a peer-reviewed, democratic, and credibly neutral process for evaluating the impact of contributors and their projects. This streamlined evaluation can help decision-makers understand the value that contributors bring to their community, making it easier to efficiently allocate funding and resources.
We’re now developing deeper integrations with the Optimism Collective and Retro Funding to help community members evaluate impact and earn funding with Respect. You can discover more in this article and video.
Collective Action
Respect can be used to facilitate collective decision-making, set priorities, and allocate resources in decentralized communities with Respect Trees.
This fractal framework enables community members to influence the direction of projects with Respect and empowers communities to fairly assess projects with granularity and credibly neutrality.
Onchain Social Games
Respect enables many other exciting social games that can help coordinate communities, build culture, attract contributors, and evaluate impact.
For example, you can explore RetroPolls, Cignals, and RetroPitches, which are fun friendly competitions where Retro Funding applicants present their projects and participants rank their pitches.
Voice Opinions
Anyone who has earned Respect can also use it to signal their opinions in polls and proposals. The more Respect that you earn at weekly events, the more influence you gain to help guide Optimism Fractal.
Anyone who has earned Respect by playing the Respect Game can make polls for the community and proposals for the council in the Optimism Fractal Snapshot Space.
Build with Respect
All of the software used to play the Respect Game is open source, so anyone can build with Respect. You can explore this page to learn about Respect Game software and check out these articles to learn about tools that are built with Respect.
You can find the open source repositories here, explore the notion site to get involved in related projects, and feel free to reach out!
Respect-Based Role Allocation
Our award-winning Optimism Fractal Hats Tree demonstrates how communities can programmatically assign roles and permissions based on reputation earned through the Respect Game.
By integrating Hats Protocol with Respect tokens, we've created a framework that enables dynamic role management while maintaining democratic principles. This innovative system provides a model for how reputation-based governance can effectively distribute authority across the Superchain and beyond.
Discuss with Respect
Immediately following Optimism Fractal events, we present Optimism Town Hall - a Optimism Fractal members vote with Respect tokens to democratically choose discussion topics.
This innovative weekly event that implements our governance tools provides a model for how communities can coordinate conversations effectively, collaboratively weave amazing shared stories, structure meaningful discussions about the Superchain's future.
What else can you do with Respect?
Respect is a highly composable primitive and we’re building many other exciting functionalities and mystical powers for Respect, so stay tuned for much more coming soon!