The Respect Game is an onchain social game that anyone can play to grow their community. This profoundly helpful consensus game is at the heart of Optimism Fractal and our work at Optimystics.
A collaborative forum focused on discussions about the Superchain, where participants engage in innovative games to prioritize topics and contribute to governance.
We’re pleased to release "Growing Optimism with Eden Fractal,” our new educational video series that explores the Optimism Collective to shape a brighter future for all! 🌱❣️ 🌞
Explore the early history of Optimism Fractal, how it sprouted out of Eden Fractal, and more of our early roots! 🌱
A mystical soulbound token that represents an opinion to acknowledge the contributions and impact individuals make within a community, serving as a decentralized reputation system and promoting participation.
Explore the history of fractal communities that led to Optimism Fractal with hundreds of builders for over three years. This article provides an overview of our past work and how these fractal innovations can create profound benefits for all.
An overview of communities and organizations that cooperate with fractal decision-making processes, such as the Respect Game and onchain governance protocols.
A social coordination game for collaborative agenda setting that empowers community members to propose, discuss, and vote on topics with Respect
An elegant set of EVM smart contracts that enable a powerful decentralized onchain governance system, which is proposed as the next generation of Optimism Fractal software.
The Optimistic Respect-based Executive Contract enables onchain, decentralized, consent-based decision-making within organizations or communities that use non-transferrable reputation tokens, such as Respect.
An overview of apps that make it easy to play the Respect Game, facilitate coordination, and cooperate with fractal governance within communities and organizations.
An all-in-one app designed to build thriving communities and empower decentralized, autonomous organizations with the Respect Game.
We explore a plethora of grant opportunities in the Optimism ecosystem, including RetroPGF, the Grants Council, and more!
How can Optimism Fractal enhance RetroPGF? We explore several ways that Optimism Fractal can relieve burden from badgeholders, raise awareness public goods creators, and help the Optimism Collective fairly reward impact 🔴 ✨
We share our learnings and experience making a proposal for the Optimism Grants Council to start Optimism Fractal! 🌻
Explore the many exciting similarities and synergies that fractal communities share with RetroPGF 🤝🏽
Explore the Optimism Fractal grant proposal and interactions with the Optimism Grants Council to discover the benefits of optimistic consensus games!
Educational resources about the Optimism Collective and Superchain to build a more regenerative society for all 🌃
In RetroPGF Round 3, the Optimism Collective is giving 30 million OP to public goods creators with the axiom of ‘impact=profit’
A creator competition held by the Optimism Collective with 1 million OP in rewards for onchain art!
An exploration of the amazing grant opportunities within the Optimism ecosystem!
A fractal framework designed to facilitate collective decision-making, set priorities, and allocate resources in decentralized communities.
Fun, friendly competitions where RetroPGF applicants present their projects and participants rank their pitches!
The Optimism Fractal proposal from mid-2023 aimed to empower the Optimism Collective with the next generation of collaborative games, tools, and shows at Optimism Fractal
An exploration of RetroPitches, a consensus game where Optimists coopete to promote their RetroPGF projects and grow Optimism.
A story of nurturing Optimism Fractal and educating about the Optimism Collective to create more regenerative society 🪴
The Optimism Collective is a new type of community designed to reward public goods and build a sustainable future for all 🔴 ✨
Imagine epic tournaments where talented creators compete, collaborate, and coordinate to help the Optimism Collective. Like the Olympic Games, but for creating public goods.
An overview of the Optimism Collective, including the Superchain, RetroPGF, bicameral governance, and praise from brilliant thought leaders 🌱 🔴
An innovative Cagendas game that enables community members to propose, vote, and dynamically coordinate discussion topics during events.
An innovative web app that empowers communities to connect, collaborate, and build consensus in a fun and effective manner with the Respect Game.
A competition app in development to help communities play consensus games at live events with Respect, such as ranking speeches and musical performances!
A system for empowering communities with fractal cooperation, consensus games, and independent community computing infrastructure using Git and IPFS
Discover Optimystics' suite of open-source tools and prosocial games designed to revolutionize community governance, impact measurement, and public goods funding on the Superchain.
An overview of the current status of audits for Optimism Fractal’s open-source applications and protocols.
An innovative onchain system to evaluate impact and contributions on Optimism, allowing diverse ecosystem stakeholders to participate in transparent voting processes.
An overview RetroSeason Week 1 event, which celebrates the one-year anniversary of Optimism Fractal and includes key activities like the Eden Fractal Season Finale and Retropitches.
An exploration of the transformative impact of fractal communities on governance within the Superchain, highlighting Optimism Fractal's achievements and collaborative efforts with Eden Fractal to enhance decision-making processes throughout society.
A series of videos that explore the product strategy behind Fractal Apps, emphasizing their role in enhancing community decision-making.
An initiative aimed at optimizing the impact evaluation and reward system for public goods creators with RetroPitches, RetroPolls, and a RetroReport!
An outline our mission requests and ideas for the Optimism Collective in December 2023, focusing on improving the RetroPGF review process and brainstorming mission ideas.
An overview of the potential of Optimism Fractal to enhance governance within the Optimism Token House through decentralized community delegation.
A revolutionary governance model designed to enhance decision-making and resource allocation within communities through the Respect Game.
A look into the Optimism Fractal Hats Tree, highlighting its significance in enhancing decision-making through programmable on-chain roles with Respect.
An overview innovative concepts and projects that inspired Optimism Fractal software.
An overview of the first generation of Optimism Fractal software developed by Optimystics in late 2023, which includes an open-source toolset designed for the Respect Game.
A pioneering governance body that uses Respect to empower collective decision-making and coordinate the Superchain with fractal democracy.
A collaborative space and educational resource for developers who are interested in building with Optimism Fractal. It includes projects, tasks, and info related to Optimism Fractal development.
An overview of the ongoing initiatives and proposals related to Missions and Mission Requests within the Optimism Collective related to Optimism Fractal
RetroPitches Season 1 featured the pilot program of are engaging competitions where RetroPGF applicants present their projects to the public, help evaluate impact, and learn about innovative public goods initiatives.